Xi for Life! Fearless Leader or Fear of Losing it all?

Xi Jinping
China’s Fearless Leader

It’s me, Johnnie Bosch,
When I started my Blog, China was one of the topics I wanted to talk about. My insight and experience give me an opinion and viewpoint that may differ than most. I am looking from the inside out. Not from outside in.

There is no question I see China at a crossroads today. Underneath the facade of a booming Chinese economic and military expansion, there is deep instability and internal fracturing. Unlike any, the Communist Chinese government has ever dealt with during the post-Mao era. There has been a real uneasiness with the Leadership that they are losing control.

That was before President Trump picked a fight over trade, trade imbalance, IP theft and many more critical trade issues that needed to be addressed. To say that it sent Xi and his government reeling would be an understatement. The impact it has had on China is much more impactful than America. The American economy is booming regardless of higher tariffs on Chinese goods. That must make the Chinese leadership a little crazy, nervous and wary of how tough to be on the trade negotiations with Washinton.

Xi the Fearless Leader & Trump the Fearless Negotiator

Xi’s aggressive strategy has backfired in their faces! The American dog finally has teeth and bites! The Chinese economy is shrinking in many sectors. Exports were down 20% for the first 2 months of the year. Their real estate market is a bubble waiting to burst. The government is propping up key sectors of the economy to maintain stability.

Xi for Life, in my opinion, has been a desperate effort by Xi and his counterparts to remain in power and seize control. Before it would be too late and he would lose power and control. There are rumblings and dissent within the Party. There is no question that the government was losing control of the economic engine driving the country and many of its leading and emerging entrepreneurs and power brokers. In this power grab, the government has attacked and crushed some of these emerging stars, and potential enemies. Whether they are jailed, disappeared or forced to flee the country. Since Xi became the “Fearless Leader” for life the Communist regime is now tightening the screws on freedoms and controls across most of the country. The balancing act of a thriving capitalist economy under the strict controls of Communist rule and control. These internal fissures are not so deep beneath the surface.

Just ask Chinese Real Estate Billionaire, Guo Wengui aka Miles Kwok! He was forced to flee his country and lose most of his wealth. This based on Chinese Government claims of bribery. The Red Envelope Society is rampant in the country at every level. The Chinese custom is to give wealth (cash) in a red envelope. It is used as a gift, a bride and a weapon, depending on who and how you need to use it. Everybody gives! Everybody takes! Everybody! At every level!

In post-Mao China, the laws were written to give a maximum term of 10-years (2 – 5-year terms) to the Chinese President and Party leader. This was to eliminate the possibility of another Mao taking lifetime control with limitless powers. Guess what just happened. There are a lot of Party officials very upset and very wary about Xi and the future. This is not to mention the entrepreneurs and people driving the economy. There is a lot of uncertainty and uncomfortableness within this community.

China is now the second largest economy in the world at about $12 billion. Being controlled by a Communist Xi government that is seizing more power and control every day. At the same time limiting real freedoms and openness to its people. Inside China, everyone must be controlled and is.
Xi and his supporters now answer to no one. Think about all that power being held by very few! They answer to no one! There was a real concern that the party had no real leader or leaders in the waiting strong enough to replace Xi after his 10-year tenure. They see Xi as the only current leader to lead the party and country to global dominance. Only Xi has the power in maintaining the Communist party vision and controls over the country and the people.
In my opinion in the long term, it will not matter!

The Communist Party felt there was a real possibility that if Xi were to step down after his term there is no strong leader to replace him. There would be a real possibility of internal turbulence and instability. As more and more people attain a middle-class lifestyle as well as wealth in China, more and more Chinese will travel outside and be exposed to as well as see the world.
They will realize how they are being controlled with limited freedoms. That is why the wealthy and educated will leave and immigrate to other countries around the world. China will lose its best and brightest. This exodus will continue to grow for the next 10-20 years.

In my opinion, I see real instability within China in the next 20 -30 years. That is why we are seeing such a power grab by Xi and his flock! As the children of China grow up in this advanced technology-filled world, their exposure to it cannot be controlled. Social unrest and instability will force new governments and leaders. There is a real possibility within 50 years the China of today will have disappeared similar to the Soviet Union! It too will break into more regional countries or inner countries within a country. Similar to the structure of the Hong Kong SAR treaty. I am going to make another bold prediction. Xi will not last the Life Term he was given. Unless he dies a younger man.

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