Will Hong Kong stay Free or succumb to Xi and his Chinese Communist Party?

Here is a copy of the very famous Time magazine cover and the photo that was taken the night of the Handover July 1, 1997. I opened my company in Hong Kong a few weeks earlier while still under British law. My face was inserted to enhance the photo and perceived value.

As I watch the Hong Kong people take to the streets and ignite them with passion and desire to fight for their Freedom! In Hong Kong you are born as a Free People, they will accept nothing less. Nor should they! As I watch the violence on TV and online, I see a passion, determination and a cause like never before. They are fighting for the life of Freedom for Hong Kong and it’s people. 

December 2004. At the Peak with my friend David Bingley from Hong Kong and my son Ryan. It was Ryan’s first trip to Asia for his 18th birthday.

 For me, it is personal. Hong Kong was my second home for almost 30 years. It was a vibrant and International city & a very welcoming city. My first trip in 1991 to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. It opened my eyes to a new world a way of life. It was my first real taste of the international business world. From then on I went anywhere from 2 – 4 times per year. 1-3 weeks per trip. I opened my company Grand Destiny HK in 1997 weeks before the handover. There were multiple years where I was in the top 50 guests at the New World Renaissance Hotel on the Kowloon side. That was over 60 nights a year. Some of my closest and most trusted friends and business associates are Hong Kongese. To the local merchants, I was a local. Asia and Hong Kong opened me and my mind to the global business, markets, and supply chains. It also matured me and opened my mind to other cultures and people from around the world. Hong Kong was and is a very special place the world cannot afford to lose.

Good morning Hong Kong.

 The World should watch very closely as the fight for the Hong Kong peoples freedoms are raging. This rage, passion, and persistence will not dissipate. They were born a Free People and not willing to give up and lose their freedoms. The Communists are running out of patience and somewhat perplexed on to how to proceed without this blowing up in their face. They are showing videos on TV and online of the military training to fight street protesters. No question, the military is trying to Mind FU_K the protesters. Hong Kong is a powder keg in every way. The people are asking for a complete shut down of Hong Kong on Monday. August 5th.  

Hong Kong island in October 2015. Supporting Hong Kong Freedom protesters.

As China has backed out of the recent trade talks and started verbally bashing the USA this week will only fan a response. The support from the USA to the Hong Kong people and their plight is a moral victory. Now, more than ever, we must support in every way possible the Hong Kong people and their Freedom. The pressure on Xi and the Communist government between the Trump and the Trade War and their push back. The Iran situation, US sanctions and the flow of oil to China. North Korea is an erratic roller coaster. Many believe Xi is behind this. Pulling the strings of his puppets. The Chinese economy is shrinking, their real estate and banking industry are in a bubble and about to burst. What more can they take?

Eric and I at the factory in Guangdong 2008.

Here comes Hong Kong, a mere pimple and annoyance on the ass of the all-mighty Bejing. All of these young kids and people who will not accept anything less than freedom and victory. It will very interesting how this will ends. No matter what happens. Xi and the Communist Party will be the biggest losers. It is only a matter of how they screw this up and how they lose. Please support our brothers and sisters for a Free Hong Kong.

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