The Huawei Lawsuit. Are you kidding me!

It’s me, Johnnie Bosch,

Are you kidding me! The Huawei lawsuit against the US Government is a joke and it is insulting. You are really pushing both our human & government intelligence!

This is a sign of sheer desperation, weakness, and concern from both Huawei & the Communist Chinese Government. They have lost control of the situation and unsure of how to handle it. They have never had their hand slapped before and rightfully accused to their face of their actions! Finally, an action was taken against their actions which they took against us and our companies. From corporate spying & IP theft to counterintelligence operations throughout our country and universities. It has been like an all you can eat Buffet!

For those unsure as to why this is so critical other than China just spying on us!. Huawei is the 2nd largest smartphone maker in the world. The real key is they are also one of the largest companies who create and build the new 5G mobility infrastructure. They are a global leader in the new 5G technology. This is what providers like AT&T, Verizon, T Mobile & Sprint use to run their business & networks.  The buzz is 5G. The next generation of the communications network &  infrastructure that will change the world and the global economy. 5G is the new superhighway @ Mach Speed. It will help transform the way we live, work & operate in so many ways.

5G Explained! The best one-sentence explanation of the impact of 5G that I have seen was written by Patrick Kulp of Adweek. He simply said, “It’s so FAST that you can download an HD movie at the same time it will take you to read this sentence.” Have you ever downloaded an HD movie or anything of size? Think about that.  Well said, Patrick. 

In the wrong hands, it is so powerful that the impact would be devastating on all fronts. From, Economic, Transportation, Autonomous vehicles, Shipping, Aircraft, Drones, Smart Cities, Militarily, Infrastructure, Communications, Banking, The Grid, and most aspects of everyday life. That is how far reaching this is. Add AI & Quantum computing and it is only the tip of the iceberg. Huawei wants to build out our and the western worlds 5G infrastructure as well as sell our phone companies, service providers and consumers handsets and wireless devices for use across these networks.

The security experts claim they are using what we refer to as the ” Trojan Chip” secretly embedded ” spy chips” into the infrastructure components, as well as devices and various products. The Trojan Chip is turned on and off as needed.

Getting back to the Lawsuit. Under no circumstances can an American company such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Ford, GM not to mention the smaller companies ever sue the Chinese government in China. NEVER!!!!

We have to share with them our IP and corporate secrets as well as 51% of our business in China just to open and operate. We can’t send our profits or cash out of China. They still steal our IP!  China would never allow a US company to build out its 5G or any infrastructure within China. Think about that. Remember a few articles ago, I used the word ” reciprocal”. Remember it.

In closing, what is the position we should take? Our Intelligence community strongly suggests & recommends that Congress come together and implement a long-term Ban on Huawei, ZTE & key executives as well as any other companies controlled by the Chinese Government that would fall under similar criteria. What do you think?

FYI- Behind the scenes, there is no question Huawei is one of the key sticking point in our trade negotiations. I believe it is the main reason it has not been completed. China is really trying to force this into the agreement. We cannot accept that. Reports are showing exports in China are down 20% so far this year. Their economy is slowing. They are hurting.

 Looking forward to hearing your comments.

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4 thoughts on “The Huawei Lawsuit. Are you kidding me!

  1. John: I have dealt with Huawei when I work at Cisco. It simply cheats its ass off just like their government who financially backs them. The whole history in the last 40 years with China has been a joke!.

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