It’s Poppa time, A story of Life, Love & Family.

Grandma & Katie
Christmas time 1995
Diamond Bar, California

It’s me, Poppa Bosch,  

Gov. Cuomo of New York and other politicians & supporters are screaming and clapping approval after recently signing into law the ability to abort a 40-week full-term baby. There are 13 more states that are considering to sign this into Law.  

        This is not a Pro-Choice or Pro-Life issue. This is not a Blue or Red issue. It goes far beyond that! I am appalled at the thought of aborting a 40-week full term baby. Our baby was born at 26 weeks.

 This story is personal, it is about family & the hope & fight to live. It is about our baby! This is Katie’s story. Her determination to survive, to live her life and reach for her dreams. Accept nothing less!

 1993, Diamond Bar, Ca. Thanksgiving weekend. Life is very good, my career is humming along and the kids are old enough for Patti and me to go out shopping or have dinner alone. Oh, Baby!

Patti looked at me the day after Thanksgiving and said I think I am pregnant. After I picked myself up off the floor, I asked are you sure? Three pregnancy tests later it was confirmed. We’re pregnant and having our 3rd child.

This is the first time Patti held Katie a few days after she born.
University of California Hospital, Irvine Campus
May 1994

 It was a very tough pregnancy. Patti had so many issues & problems. At 26 weeks pregnant ( I’m out of town on business of course) she went into labor and was rushed to St Lukes hospital which was not prepared for this type of birth or aftercare. Luckily, we were transferred to the California State University Hospital in Irvine. They had a cutting edge neo-natal staff & department. After trying everything to stop her labor, nothing worked.

After 60 hours of hard labor, Katie was born at 26 weeks. She was 1lb 11 ozs at birth. She dropped to 1 lb. hours after birth, she had a 5% chance of survival. Our emotions where very unstable as were we. I promised my Patti that Katie was going to be OK, that she will grow up and be very special. I was very confident and comfortable with my words. As usual, I was right again! We are not a religious family. Katie is a miracle and our gift from God!

Patti & Katie

Patti went into Super Mom overdrive mode from day one ( she still is). She was and is Katie’s biggest advocate, promoter and supporter. She fought with the doctors and anyone she thought was incorrect and not in Katie’s best interests. She was correct 99% of the time. She spent 12-14 hours a day & every day at the hospital until Katie came home. I went to the hospital when I got home from work each night. That was for 3 months. She was the smallest baby they ever released from the hospital at 3 1/2 lbs. I hope everyone knows that no one will ever love you the way your Mother loves you, no one!

Other than Katie herself, Patti is as big a part of Katie’s success as anyone.  She is very close with her brother and sister as well. We are a very old fashioned traditional tight-knit family. As the Doctor told us after she was born, she is lucky, she comes from good stock.

Katie always had to fight for everything. Nothing came easy. That was OK with her, it was the norm. She did it and never complained. She always overachieved and left all the experts dumbfounded and scratching their heads. Her determination and grit are simply awesome. She never complained to us, we found out years later she was bullied at school. She never let us know that she was. 

Katie’s first day home after 3 months in the hospital.
She was the smallest baby they ever released at 3 1/2 lbs.
August 1994
Diamond Bar, California

As her love of art became apparent at a young age. Katie was determined to take this path. She attended the Tempe School for the Arts for High School. As we starting discussing colleges, she was determined to attend the Laguna School for Art & Design in Laguna Beach. One of the top Fine Art schools in the country. Wouldn’t apply to any others. We forced her to apply to our state schools at ASU in Tempe and NAU in Flagstaff. She was accepted to both and offered a full ride at NAU. She did not want to go there. Laguna School of Art & Design is where I want to go, that is where I will go! I asked what if you are not accepted? I will be! She was.

After 4 years she received her degree and went onto grad school at the New York Academy of Art in Tribeca ( her only choice again). She graduated last year with an MFA in Fine Art with a focus on Sculpture. She has started her career. We are so proud, you cannot imagine.

 Throughout Katie’s life, she faced challenge after challenge. Obstacle after obstacle. She has faced them head on and spits in their face. It is not easy, some days are harder than others.  No different than most of us, then you move forward. She has already achieved in life what most never will! For her, she is still cracking the door open. sticking her nose in, taking a look and seeing what her possibilities and dreams for tomorrow. 

Katie’s story is just one of the millions we never hear about. Whether you support Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, aborting a Full Term baby at 40 weeks must never be a Choice nor a Law!

I love this picture
Christmas photos

Every-time I proofread this story, my eyes swell with emotion. I will admit, under my 17 layers of Real Man lays 1 layer of Real Mush. Kinda like mashed potatoes ( w/ garlic). These memories of the peaks and valleys of our journey only exemplify our Love and Commitment to each-other and our Family. This was our story.

I will use this story as a segway and launching pad for future stories that touch life, family, home & work. One I am working on is ” Mommy, Land the Helicopter before you kill us all!”

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2 thoughts on “It’s Poppa time, A story of Life, Love & Family.

  1. John: It’s a wonderful story. A real life lesson for us all. Simple as that.
    For those who signed the New York bill and any other state that has done the same, I consider it murder, plain an d simple!
    However, my Catholic church sits on the sidelines and does nothing with the advocates of abortion but you can bet your life it is testing the faith of every Catholic and believe me it is very trying!!

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