It’s a lot more than just Tariffs! Don’t screw this up!

It’s a lot more than just Tariffs! Don’t screw this up!

It’s me, Johnnie Bosch,    The President and his Team are doing a good job to bring the trade issues to the forefront and moving it forward. At least up to now. Don’t screw this up!

China is HURTING, but NOT HURTING ENOUGH! They are in a much weaker position than most realize. I believe their problems are much deeper internally than the PRC is willing to admit and wants anyone to know. This is a one-time generational opportunity NOW and ONLY NOW! Don’t screw this up!

 The short term sacrifices that we make now during these negotiations will lead to long term stability and prosperity. I realize how hard this is for some of our companies and people. If we fail in these negotiations now, the pain and suffering that will come will make today looked back on as the “good old days”! Don’t screw this up!   

  The Deal. It must be big! It must be expansive! It must be far reaching! It must have vision, depth, and substance. It must withstand a generation and beyond! It must be economic, geopolitical, and reciprocal in every way!  Anything less is unacceptable and will be considered a Failure! 
 It must ooze of American Exceptionalism and Vision! Don’t screw this up!  

 America’s success or failure will have a direct impact on global markets. For our trade partners and the free world, the results are impactful. Don’t screw this up! 

The winner will have the best chance to control many aspects of the world. That is Technological, Economic and Militarily. I would think for the next 50 years and probably beyond! Now and only now, will we have this one time opportunity to create a fair and favorable Treaty. Yes, I said Treaty. That is how big, impactful and far-reaching this is. Trade, Tariffs, IP, Technology transfer is simply the starting point. We are in round 6 of a 12 round championship fight. Don’t screw this up!

Because they are Communists, it changes the negotiations and how we handle it. The Communist leadership controls every aspect of all things inside China, including the people’s lives and all aspects of control and dominance.  The playing field inside China is their way or the highway! Do you know why? Because they are Communists!  Don’t screw this up! 

  We hear many voices across the media, the markets and my industry in particular saying that the Trade War is hurting our economic recovery. It is hurting our companies and industries. It will create the next recession. I understand their positions and situations. In most cases, it is their fiduciary responsibility to take this position. This short term thinking and vision is dangerous and short sited. This past Christmas season was the best holiday shopping season we have had in a while. Hiring is through the roof. Economic numbers don’t lie. Of course, there are longterm concerns. There is a global slowdown. The US economy is still strong. This only strengthens our postion with China! Let’s not kill the goose until it is ready to eat! Don’t screw this up!

Yes, there is pressure from certain sectors that have been hit much harder than most consumer goods and products. Our farming, ranching and other key export products have been impacted the hardest. They are direct targets of China in response. China knows it hurts us. Its part of their negotiating tactics.
That is why is it so important for Congress to approve and implement the new trade agreements with Canada and Mexico. China must realize the country is together on this. It weakens their position. They know it.  The China intake pipeline is starting to open again as part of the initial verbal agreements moving forward. This is simply a good faith gesture. Under no corcumstances can we allow the petty self centered politics of our elected officials to circumvent, derail or interfere with the success of the Treaty and Trade deal.
Should that happen, the people,the party, whoever it may be, should be punished for a generation. There is only one position, the American position! Don’t screw this up.

Our problem is quite obvious, we play short, they always play long. This is how they have beaten us in the past. It is the only way they can beat us in the future. Our mindset must change now!

 I believe it is important that other voices and opinions are heard. I will be following up with more detailed articles addressing specific subjects & issues on this topic and China. I hope I can give people a better insight into how important this is. I will continue to speak out on topics of the day!

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