In my America, the Liberal Left is running out of people to HATE! The Ultra Right has run out of runway on their Commitment to Nowhere!

Lady Liberty proudly projects America as the worlds Beacon of Hope and Freedom!

Hey, Everyone,

It’s me, Johnnie Bosch, it has been 1 year since my last post. With everything happening in America and the World. It is time to start speaking up and becoming more involved. The real Voices of the People must be heard! Common sense and reality must prevail! As we enter the final stretch of the 2020 election cycle it is now in Primetime. The American people must listen and watch very closely what is really happening in America and decide on November 3 what they willing to accept? Without real knowledge of both sides and their issues can easily elect the wrong people at the wrong time! That is for the voter to decide.

I wrote the article below 16 months ago, on April 9, 2019. It was one of my earlier articles with how divisive our politics and positions with each other have become. Because of this, the percentage of an Independent voter in Arizona has reached 25%. Enjoy the article. Your comments are welcome.

It’s me, Johnnie Bosch,

 I am so confused! 

 If you are not totally disgusted and frustrated by our current state of politics, you must be one of them? If you aren’t your head must be fully inserted in what the Jews refer to as your  “Tuckus”. FYI, that can be Dark,    Smelly and a Loney place!

 All kidding aside, our current state of Politics has become our real weakness and a laughing stock to our friends and enemies both near and far. More importantly, the time has come that the American people must decide that enough is enough of this stupidity we call our current political state. Those guilty are our current self centered elected officials from both parties. To stand idle would be to accept defeat. In my America, I was taught that we never accept defeat and we fight for what is right and what is just!  

Has the time finally arrived where a “Real Third Party” is needed and can thrive? More importantly, can a third party win with the right message and the right candidates? With the proper Leadership and Vision, I believe it can be done and it will.

There is no better time than now! Without directly pointing fingers and making stupid statements myself, please read between lines. Both parties are failing the actual supporters who have put them in and are keeping them in office. People are pissed off, disgusted and extremely frustrated!

Has the time come to start looking deeply at the Party you vote for and support. Are we still aligned on the issues and the philosophy? Is your party supporting and voting on issues important you? Probably not! Other than your vote, do they even give a shit that you are alive? Probably not! The people have been forgotten on both sides. 

  Has the Democratic and Republican parties lost their way. Yes, they have. They have become, tone-deaf, self-centered and protect themselves before the people and country who elected them to the office.   

 We the People! In order to win elections and upend the current political balance, you must have the numbers to win. Like a business, you must run it with percentages. Balance the numbers and adjust where needed. Look at these numbers. Think of the possibilities.

The hardcore Uber Liberal Left which controls the Democratic party comprises approximately 20 – 25%% of their voter base. These are hardcore believers and supporters until death does us part. Their policy of Hate against Jews and Catholics and many traditional family values is against their largest supporters and voting base as well as themselves. Why would a Jew hate a Jew? WHY? They no longer know who they are and what they believe in.

There is no real vision or plan. Socialism, are you kidding me. Their hate for Trump blinds them and supersedes what is best for America. Their Leadership is weak, old and quivering to young bucks they can’t control! That is obvious. It is hurting the country and the people. We see it and we feel it. It is going to hurt them in 2020 across the elections. They are lost with no vision for the future. Hating thy neighbor and division is not the answer.

Butthead, The Forgetful Elephant who can’t remember his promises!

The hardcore Ultra Right which controls the Republican party comprises of that same 20 % – 25% numbers. That is is their hardcore base. The support is the same as it is on the left. Their problem is they are so fractured they cannot come together on issues they all agree on. Think about that. That is why I refer them as the party who has run out of runway on their “Commitment to Nowhere! “

Over the past 20-24 years, they had their control of Congress with 2 Presidents. Lots of promises with little or no results. In the real world, if most elected officials were executives, they would have their services terminated long before their next election cycle! How do you continue to support a candidate and party that only knows how to make big promises and always shoot blanks! How do you continue to vote for a candidate and party that lacks the dignity and depth to keep their word? The answer is you don’t! In order to change, you need a viable option. 

Hmmm, that leaves a potential target voter base and following of up to 50 – 60% of the population and voter base. The right candidate with the right message can win. Party will not matter. If you run your business ( and country) on numbers, those are some good numbers and well worth the investment. There is a lot of meat on those bones! The return can be quite surprising. As you break down the demographics, across each potential voting group, you will receive a percentage that can and will impact an election and a movement. Think about this? If you can elect just 5-7 US Senators and 50-80 seats in Congress, you can directly affect and impact the control of power. That is on a national level. Think about it on the local level.

Arizona will be one of the big battleground states in 2020.

   My home state of Arizona is prime for change. It has been trying to go Blue. They say it will. That is only because of the Republications have lost their way and have become fractured as a party. That is nationally as well as locally across the country. The people do not want to change, The party is giving them weak candidates, policies and no choice.

 The Arizona John McCain Senate seat is up for election in my state in 2020 is a prime example. The Dems have pre-selected retired Astronaut Mark Kelly. The perfect candidate running against the Republications retired fighter pilot Senator Martha McSally. Uber Liberals candidates are not allowed to challenge him.

Former Astronaut Mark Kelly. AKA Gabby Giffords husband.

Both candidates are very respectful and good solid people. At the same time, they are both objects of the system. Their entire adult lives working within the government. They both project being sterile and very vanilla. Kind of like eating mashed potatoes with no butter or salt. It fills your stomach, it is bland and ends there! No real – life experience or depth outside of their roles within the military and a government structure.

Senator Martha McSally, Retired Air Force Commander and the first women Fighter Pilot.

On paper, it sounds like a great race. Leaning Blue.  Think how ugly and disgusting that race will be. I see them both as very weak candidates. There is no question in my mind, that the right candidate with the right message can beat them both like a bad habit in a head to head battle or a 3-way race! That can be as guaranteed as a Joe Namath Superbowl! It could potentially happen in key races across the country in 2020.

  There is one thing I do know. As a country and as a people, we must change direction from the current policies of hate, division, power, and lack of respect. That is both sides! We must come back together as neighbors, friends, colleagues and most importantly as a family. We must always treat people the same way we want to be treated. No matter who they are. We can differ with respect and conversation, not threats and insults! I will respect you for who you are, I expect that same respect from you! It is that simple. Yes, it is reciprocal.

America is the only place on earth that is truly a reflection of humanity. Did you know that 20% of all global immigration comes to America?  We open our arms and our hearts to people from every corner of the planet who have a dream to come to America. We all must start coming together and respecting each other again and taking care of business. If we do not, we can screw thing up pretty quick!

I am not willing to lose my America! Are you?

God Bless America!

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4 thoughts on “In my America, the Liberal Left is running out of people to HATE! The Ultra Right has run out of runway on their Commitment to Nowhere!

  1. John: Beautiful column. I agree 100%. The question is who is the third party candidate. I watched a town hall last week that featured Howard Schultz. I found myself agreeing with 90% of what he was saying. I just don’t know if he can get the money necessary to pull it off!
    We’ll see.

    1. Thank you, Peter,
      Actually, I see the local & state elections as real possibilities in 2020. They can be won. With the right candidates of course. Not at the National level yet. There are no real options for 2020. For real change, it has to be more at the grassroots level to start.


    1. Thank you, Don,
      I am waiting for you to let me know when you are available for lunch? My turn to pay! I will take you for real pizza. You will have to come to Scottsdale.

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