It’s me Johnnie Bosch.

Welcome. Thank you for your visit. I am both excited and a little nervous in launching my new blog site, It’s me, Johnnie Bosch, as well as my new web page,

As I enter the “Twilight” of my career, I can now reflect on over 4 decades of a love affair with my work and my industry. With over 5 million miles flown, only God knows how many hotel nights and nights away from home. It has been a Journey, a Love Affair and a Life worth living! Over the years there have been many peaks and valleys. Many wins and many losses. This is life and what makes the world go round. The wins are great! It is the losses that determine your character, who you are and how you respond.

Hopefully, with my experience, I can offer a fresh perspective and insight relating to issues of the day. My promise to everyone is to always address the “Topics of the day with Thought, Depth, and Substance.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you will enjoy my blog and will be seeing you here regularly. Have a great day!

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